Soupault users

This is a list of websites using soupault. If you are using it, let me know and I'll add your website to the list. Perfect if your site source is available on a code hosting platform or downloadable as an archive, so that people can learn from it by example.

This very site is built with soupault, obviously.

Example of: custom indexer (simple blogs), Lua plugins.

Source on GitHub: dmbaturin/

The website of soupault's primary author and maintainer.

Example of: external scripts (“news” generated from the git commit log, page revision dates from git history), widget ordering, Lua plugins.

Source on GitHub: dmbaturin/

A work in progress, free (as in freedom) book on the OCaml programming language.

Example of: GitHub Actions CI setup, Netlify deployment, external tool integration. Code samples in the book are automatically ran through the compiler so that syntax or type errors fail the build.

Source on GitHub: dmbaturin/ocaml-book

MousikóFídi is a free and open source, self-hosted online music player. It doesn't need a database and uses as little JS as possible. Its website is built with soupault.

Example of: Markdown preprocessing, CI integration, custom build workflow.

Source on SourceHut: hristoast/mousikofidi/tree/

Website and blog of Hristos N. Triantafillou, the maintainer of MousikóFídi and

Example of: blog, conditional HTML insertion.

Source on SourceHut: hristoast/hristoast.

Website of Samuel Thomas, a computer science student from Cornell University.

Example of: pandoc integration, custom Lua plugins, external index generator.

Source on GitHub: sgpthomas/personal-website

Website of Thomas Letan, a computer scientist.

Example of: blog, custom build workflow.

Source (self-hosted):

Website of Nicolas Paris, a data scientist and bioinformatician.

Source on Frama Git:

Tyrone's Zone

Website of Tyrone, an electrician from New Zealand.


orcircd is a modern, high-performance IRC server that supports IRCv3. It's maintained by Brett Gilio. Its website is made with soupault.

Source on SourceHut: brettgilio/orcircd-web